Quotation Request

To enable URS Certification to provide a detailed quotation, please provide as much detail as possible. Please complete one form for each office or site to be included in the certification.

Company name:
Telephone: Mobile:
Contact Person: Position:
Website: E-mail:
Type of Business:
(e.g. Franchise, Partnership, Ltd)
(use Ctrl to select multiple items)
Scope of Certification:
(what products/services
do you provide?)
Total Number of Employees (full-and part-time) in Office/Site:
Number of Shifts:
Maximum Number of Employees on site at any one time:
Normal Number of hours for full-time Employees in a normal Working day:
Number of Employees (not including subcontractors) Performing Same or Similar Repetitive Tasks:
(e.g. 300 Eployees on sewing machines)
Number of Part-Time Employees:
Average Number of Sub-Contractors:
Are Sub-Contractors full or part-time? Full-Time
Do Sub-Contractor Perform Repetitive Tasks? Yes
Average Number of hours of Part-Time Employees (including sub-contractor) per day:
Are there any clauses of Standard that do not apply? Yes
Don’t know
If yes, please state which clause(s) (e.g. 7.3):
Number of Employees in Design/Development Department:
Is this a new application or an extension to an existing Certification? New
Is this a transfer from another Certification Body? Yes
Please specify the name of Certification Body/CB:
If there is anything else you would like to tell us or ask about?
Verification (to prove you’re a person)
How much is 1 plus 4 (number):
By submitting the form, you agree with the processing and storing of your personal data by United Registrar of Systems in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1988, unless your consent is revoked in writing.
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Over 47 000 contracts
in 40 countries!
Contact us

Please, make use of our contact form. We will reply to you as soon as possible but not later than 48 hours on weekdays.

URS Certification - Portugal, Lda
IEFF - Incubadora de Empresas da Figueira da Foz
Rua das Acácias nº 40 -, A, Sala 9
3090-380 Figueira da Foz

T: 233 098 445 (The office)
T: 233 407 030 (The IEFF)
E: info@pt.urscertification.com

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