With the certification schemes we offer, your business will gain a competitive advantage and the ability to constantly improve its processes and credibility with customers and suppliers alike.
Each customer adopting a scheme is automatically participating in our Operational Safety concept and becomes a member of the ACB (Academy of Certified Businesses).
We offer certification to the following standards:
Quality Management System Certification
ISO 9001Environmental Management System Certification
ISO 14001Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification
OHSAS 18001Automotive Quality Management Systems
ISO/TS 16949Information Security Management System Certification
ISO 27001Information Technology Service Management System Certification
ISO 20000Food Safety Management System (HACCP) Certification
ISO 22000Energy Management System Certification
ISO 50001Business Continuity Management Certification
ISO 22301Aerospace sector Quality Management Systems
AS 9100Medical Devices Quality Management System Certification
ISO 13485Feed Safety Standard Certification
GMP+ FSAPlease, make use of our contact form. We will reply to you as soon as possible but not later than 48 hours on weekdays.
URS Certification - Portugal, Lda
IEFF - Incubadora de Empresas da Figueira da Foz
Rua das Acácias nº 40 -, A, Sala 9
3090-380 Figueira da Foz
T: 233 098 445 (The office)
T: 233 407 030 (The IEFF)
E: info@pt.urscertification.com
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